- SafetyStratus Customer Success Division
2021 Q4-1 Release Notes
Welcome to our 2021 Q4-1 Updates!
Detailed here are the release notes outlining all enhancements, feature additions, and updates that have been made to the SafetyStratus platform. Please note that new site settings and feature enhancement availability depends on your module license. Clients can contact our Customer Success and Support divisions to determine applicability and turn on new features.
Updates and Feature Enhancements
Inspections & Observations
Added a feasibility for saving comments without answering any questions while doing inspection.
Introduced a new “no login” link to display all open actions based on the User’s role permissions.
Users can get this link through the following ways:
DM – Users – User profile – Send CA Link (It will send no login CA link to the users’ emails.)
Corrective Actions – Send CA Link – Send Link (It will send no login CA link to the users’ emails.)
After completion of Inspection (In Inspection Action mail.)
Creating action (In Inspection Report mail.)
Details regarding the “no login” open actions page:
No login link is Generated with a token – this token will expire within 180 days (by default.)
When the user hits an expired no login link, an expiry message will be displayed and a new login link will be sent to the user.
New Email type created for this CA no login link – Email Type – CA link notification.
Email variable for CA no login link – nologinCAlink.
A new role has been introduced – SAM Safety Officer allows users to view all the open actions from a vendor or company, whichever they belong to.
Users who were not assigned this role can only view their assigned open actions.
It is now possible to assign role to Roster while creating a new Inspection and also from DM -> Groups -> Edit Group -> Membership.
Chemical Inventory & SDS
Added “Not Found – Create Entry” option to compound search results dropdown.
Dashboards & Analytics
Created new in-App Dashboards for SAM Inspections and SAM Corrective Actions.
Permit Authorizations
Expanded view permission for permits from separate menu so that user x has dept A/Org B under user inspection permissions then that user will see their permits and the permits of the users who are in that Dept A/ Org B.
It is now possible to search rooms with building code, building name, room name and room code under permit applications.
Radiation Safety
Displaying waste container contents on both LATCH Disposal page and the Data Manager Disposal page. Added a toggle show/hide setting for the contents button to Edit Settings > RAD.
User details in waste pickup data table are shown whenever the user performs waste pick up, also included are that user’s details in the pickup schedules export files.
Data Manager
Added actions questions in actions reports under data manager/exports.
Added User Tags field to PI Room List export.