SafetyStratus Customer Success Division
Inspections & Observations Incident Management Chemical Inventory and SDS Hazardous/Regulated Waste Management Laboratory Assessment Tool Permit Authorizations Radiation Safety Integration and API

2022 Q1-1 Release Notes

AUTHOR: SafetyStratus Customer Success Division

Welcome to our 2022 Q1-1 Updates!

Detailed here are the release notes outlining all enhancements, feature additions, and updates that have been made to the SafetyStratus platform. Please note that new site settings and feature enhancement availability depends on your module license. Clients can contact our Customer Success and Support divisions to determine applicability and turn on new features.

Updates and Feature Enhancements

Inspections & Observations

  • Details such as “inspector” status can now be updated while an inspection is being completed.

  • Changing the category of a parent inspection question will recategorize all the attached child inspection questions. There will now be a warning message to give the user feedback of this happening before they can proceed.

SAM Inspections

  • Created a new “SAM Summary Report” page in web, with filters and a data table.

  • Added a “SAM Detail Report” on “SAM Summary Report” page.

  • When starting a new inspection, a drop down now displays on the project selection page that lists all projects assigned to the inspector. A LQ admin setting was added that enables/disables this functionality via “Inspectable object dropdown” and “Inspector” under “Inspection Module.”

  • Removed the “severity” field from the “safe actions for observation” questions.

  • Removed “Project name” as an inspectable entity.

Incident Management

  • Added a new button for incident reports—”Generate Claim.” After initial submission of an incident this button will be visible. In clicking this button, a text file with all the form data will be generated and shared to the client’s Secure File Transfer Protocol, or SFTP.

Chemical Inventory & SDS

  • Added “Import” option to enable the addition of external SDS URL’s.

  • SDS Book search filters are now a single search filter enabling searches by owner, location, and room.

Hazardous/Regulated Waste Management

  • Added “created date” to the waste container data table.

  • Added “created date” to the waste container data table.

Laboratory Assessment Tool

  • Added a setting to “show/hide” desired date from “LATCH pick up” view.

  • Added the ability to delete a waste container once it’s empty and not requested for a pick-up.

Permit Authorizations

  • Within the COFE form, a new field was added for configuring training details for the selected user from the user drop down question.

Radiation Safety

A new setting that allows the radiation safety program to choose when radioactive material is removed from the authorized user’s permit. The default is after the waste container is removed from the lab through the waste pickup process. The new setting, when active, allows the radioactive material to be removed from the authorized user’s permit when the material is used and deposited into a waste container, even if the waste container is still in the lab’s possession.

Data Manager

  • Hierarchy expanded for “Location” and “Organization.”

  • For “Location,” the expanded hierarchy is as follows

    • Continents

    • Countries

    • Regions

    • States

  • For “Organization,” the expanded hierarchy is as follows:

    • Division 5

    • Division 4

    • Division 3

    • Division 2

    • Division 1

  • To expand the hierarchy below LQ admin, the following settings must be enabled:

  • Under “Spaces”

    • Enable “Space Classification”

    • Select “Space Hierarchy” (default-3, max hierarchy-7)

  • Under “Organization”

    • Enable “Organization Classification”

  • Select “Organization Hierarchy” (default-2, max hierarchy-7)

  • Created new label fields under “Labels” settings for “State,” “Region,” “Country,” “Continent,” “Division 1,” “Division 2,” “Division 3,” “Division 4,” and “Division 5.”

  • Added “Start Date” column to “inspections data export” under “data manager export.”

  • Added “overdue” as a possible status for “pick up schedule.”

  • Added date-related filters (request, actual, start, and end dates) to “pick up schedule” window under “waste” tab.

  • Added a setting that would apply to the entire site that decreases the amount of radioactivity from the “RAM permit” when the “RAM inventory” is disposed into the waste container.

Integration and API Updates

  • Created a script for gathering all the acknowledgement files from the client’s SFTP, updating the claim number in the form, and sending notifications regarding “Updated Claim Number” and “Rejected Claim Number” results.

Other Updates

  • Added “Just in Time” feature for users to submit access requests for any user on any site.

  • Added a LQ setting for labelling a “Full Inspection” template as active/inactive.

  • Added an “ID ram_id” column to the “Radioactive Isotope” table in the “RAD” tab under the “edit settings” page.

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